Registered Charity No. 1167193


Madni Masjid Dewsbury – VIEWING OPEN DAY

Saturday 1st June

Ladies only viewing – 11am to 12pm

Men viewing – 12.30pm to 3pm

Address: Northgate, Dewsbury Town Center, WF13 1DZ.

Please feel free to come along and see the progress of the Masjid Renovation Project – Insha’Allah !

Volunteers will be at hand to walk you through the project and answer any questions

We humbly ask you to donate generously and make dua that Phase One of the renovation project is completed quickly, as we are in temporary location which only caters for 20% of usual jamaat.

When the works are completed, it will have been modernised, upgraded and have extended facilities including a dedicated floor for our sisters. Insha’Allah

For more info, please visit:

Please donate to
A/c : 29714260
Sort : 309057
By bank transfer

Or donation can be taken on open day.

Send via PayPal to

Jazak Allah khairun