Registered Charity No. 1167193

Video of progress so far (April 2021)

Alhamdulliah by the grace of Allah SWT, we have managed to compete Phase One of internal reconstruction. We ask for your  humble duas that we finish in a timely manner. Donation are now been taken for the next phase of works.

If video above does not play, please see our Facebook page, where you will find the same  video, many thanks

Building of a Masjid or contributing towards it is one of the most virtuous forms of Sadaqah-e-Jaariyah (continuous charity) that Allah has bestowed upon us. Sadaqah-e-Jaariyah will benefit the donor long after they have passed away. We pray that you will take up this opportunity to invest in the Aakhirah (hereafter) for yourself and your loved ones.

Bank transfer any amount to ;

Pakistan Muslim Association

A/c 29714260

Sort 309057
